How to Earn Money By using Blogger

Making Money from Your Blog

How to Earn Money By using Blogger

Advertising is the only way to monetization on your Blog. Advertising on your blog is one of the important decision taken by because in most of cases you lost your reader because of Advertisement placed on your Blog. 

Including online ads in your blog is a simple way to earn a passive income from your blogging efforts. 

Passive Income from Blogger

If you guys don't know What is passive income then I  give you some hints like "If you are working for a company and you get some income for your hard work in the end of month then it is Active income" and like "If you are working for a company and that company give you some income for whole life by doing one time hard work then it is called Passive Income" 

In Mostly cases You can earn Passive income Only in Network marketing or Online marketing. Blogging is also a Part of Passive income, if you write a Blog post and upload it on Internet then like if anyone open it in one week, one month or after one year you will get its benefits every time. 

How to get money from Advertising 

In many cases, you simply need to register for an account with an ad network or affiliate marketing program, copy some code provided to you into a new gadget in your blog, and you are done. 
Ads are automatically displayed to your visitors based on the criteria you selected during the registration process in each specific advertising program.

It is like simple to understand the monetization system, As your blog traffic grows more and more then bigger opportunities of advertisers will open to you with bigger budgets. And the bigger your blog becomes, the more money you can make through advertising.

Making money from your blog, or blog monetization, doesn’t happen overnight.

You don’t place an ad on your blog now because blog monetization takes time, patience and good content that attract visitors. As much of your moneymaking success comes from your Blog visitors reactions to your efforting hard work on your Blog.

Affiliate marketing 

This is the most popular program used by blogger, you can earn huge amount money from affiliate marketing. 
If you ever blogged about a product you really like and just knew that you were helping the company who makes the product make a sale, you can now make some money from that sale with affiliate marketing.

Like, there are many companies with which you can join affiliate program and one of the famous affiliating company is Amazon. 

Now, question is that What to do for joining affiliate program.  You sign up with an affiliate program, and when you blog about one of its products, you include a piece of identifying information that the company gives you. You earn cash when readers of your blog click the product and buy it.

   Blog Advertising Opportunities 

You can add advertisements to your blog in a variety of ways to derive a passive income. Each one requires a different amount of real estate (or space) on your blog, and each one brings in a different amount of money, depending on your blog’s topic and readers. Most blog advertising opportunities offer one of three primary payment methods for bloggers:

✓ Pay-per-click: The advertiser pays the blogger every time someone clicks the ad placed on the blog.

✓ Pay-per-impression: The advertiser pays the blogger every time the ad appears on the blog or every time a visitor views the page where the ad is placed. Typically, pay-per-impression ads are paid using a “per 1,000 impressions” model or a similar pay structure rather than pay on individual impressions.

✓  Pay-per-action: The advertiser pays the blogger every time a person clicks the ad and performs an action, such as making a purchase or registering for an account

After you decide to include advertising on your blog, you need to begin reviewing advertising.
As a Blogger user , I think you want to choose Google Adsense for advertising.

Google AdSense is the most popular contextual link, pay-per-click ad program available to bloggers. Because Google owns both AdSense and Blogger, adding Google AdSense ads to your Blogger blog is extremely easy.

so, In next Blog we will discuss about Google Adsense.
Thankyou for visiting and reading my Blog.

How to Earn Money By using Blogger How to Earn Money By using Blogger Reviewed by Mohit Chauhan on December 20, 2019 Rating: 5


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